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Spellbound Sisters Bookstore and Cafe

Symphony of Bones - L.T. Ryan and K.M. Rought

Symphony of Bones - L.T. Ryan and K.M. Rought

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When a politician's son goes missing, the media fueled investigation accelerates when he turns up dead. An unspoken message might be the only thing connecting the dots. And it’s up to Cassie to crack the code...

To shine truth's light, Cassie must walk in darkness.

The third installment in the bestselling Cassie Quinn Mystery Series from USA Today bestselling author L.T. Ryan & K.M. Rought. A mystery thriller with a hint of paranormal that'll keep you guessing until the last page!

"Totally spellbinding!"

When a missing politician's son shows up dead, an all too quick arrest raises questions. The ghost of a young boy haunts Cassie and confirms there's more to the story. Deciphering the boy's message becomes a daunting task as she teams with both local and federal law enforcement.

Cassie battles personal demons and faces off against real ones. Past tragedy collides with present day as she clears old skeletons from her closet.

Hunting monsters reveals unspeakable truths in this fast paced mystery.

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